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Monday, December 31, 2012

Stupa, Dizang Temple, Fuzhou, Fujian

This was the first of several odd, barrel-shaped stupas (塔) I saw near Fuzhou, Fujian (福建, 福州市). This one is at Dizang Temple (地藏寺), one of the oldest in Fujian.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Gate, Longxing Temple, Shenzhen, Guangdong

This gate is a remnant from the days when Longxing Temple (龙兴寺) in Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市), was a Taoist (道教) site.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Statues, Jiangxin Temple, Wenzhou, Zhejiang

Some of the many statues in the main hall (大雄宝殿) at Jiangxin Temple (江心寺), Wenzhou, Zhejiang (浙江, 温州市).

Friday, December 28, 2012

Pagoda, Zhizhe Tayuan, Tiantai Shan, Zhejiang

This small pagoda inside a hall bears the remains of Zhiyi (智顗), founder of the Tiantai Sect (天台宗), at Zhizhe Tayuan (智者塔院), Tiantai Shan, Zhejiang (浙江, 天台山).

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Guanyin, Gaoming Temple, Tiantai Shan, Zhejiang

This stunning figure of Guanyin is carved into native rock on a bluff overlooking a valley to the east of Gaoming Temple, Tiantai Shan, Zhejiang (浙江, 天台山).

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Waterfall, Lower Fangguang Temple, Tiantai Shan, Zhejiang

Waterfalls surround Lower Fangguang Temple (下方广寺) high upon Tiantai Shan, Zhejiang (浙江, 天台山)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Master Zhiyi, Guoqing Temple, Tiantai Shan, Zhejiang

Statue of Master Zhiyi (智顗大师), founder of the Tiantai Sect (天台宗), at Guoqing Temple (国清寺) at the base of Tiantai Shan (天台山), Zhejiang (浙江).

Monday, December 24, 2012

Great Buddha, Dafo Temple, Xinchang, Zhejiang

Great Buddha (大佛) at Dafo Temple (大佛寺), Xinchang County, Zhejiang (浙江, 新昌县)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Drum Tower, Zhanshan Temple, Qingdao, Shandong

The delicate Drum Tower (鼓楼) at Zhanshan Temple (湛山寺), Qingdao, Shandong (山东, 青岛市)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pagoda, Kaiyuan Temple, Zhengding, Hebei

Xumi Pagoda (须弥塔), on the former site of Kaiyuan Temple (开元寺), Zhengding, Hebei (河北, 正定县). "Xumi" is a partial transliteration of the name of the mythical Mount Sumeru (须弥山).

Friday, December 21, 2012

Pagoda, Tianning Temple, Zhengding, Hebei

Lingxiao Pagoda (凌霄塔), also called the "Wooden Pagoda" for its appearance, stands on the site of the former Tianning Temple (天宁寺), Zhengding, Hebei (河北, 正定县).

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pagoda, Guanghui Temple, Zhengding, Hebei

The Hua (Flower) Pagoda (花塔) at Guanghui Temple (广惠寺), Zhengding, Hebei (河北, 正定县), is covered with these carved animals.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pagoda, Linji Temple, Zhengding, Hebei

This pagoda (塔) at Linji Temple (临济寺), Zhengding, Hebei (河北, 正定县), holds the remains of Linji (临济), founder of the Linji sect (临济宗) of Chan (=Zen, 禅).

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pagoda, Yongyou Temple, Chengde, Hebei

This pagoda (塔) is all that remains of Yongyou Temple (永佑寺), Chengde, Hebei (河北, 承德市). It once stood on the grounds of the Qing emperors' summer retreat (避暑).

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ancient Bridge, Xumifushou Temple, Chengde, Hebei

The ancient five-arched bridge at Xumifushou Temple (须弥福寿之庙), Chengde, Hebei (河北, 承德市), was built in 1780 during the reign of Emperor Qianlong (乾隆).

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Palace, Putuozongcheng Temple, Chengde, Hebei

The "Palace" (宫) at Putuozongcheng Temple (普陀宗乘之庙), Chengde, Hebei (河北, 承德市), emulates the Potala Palace (布达拉宫) in Lhasa, Tibet (西藏, 拉萨).

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mountain Gate, Shuxiang Temple, Chengde, Hebei

The Mountain Gate (山门) at Shuxiang Temple (殊像寺), Chengde, Hebei (河北, 承德市). The temple is closed to the public, but it's part of a pleasant stroll among the outer temples (外八庙) of Chengde.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Mountain Gate, Guangyuan Temple, Chengde, Hebei

The Mountain Gate (山门) at Guangyuan Temple (广缘寺), Chengde, Hebei (河北, 承德市), has been closed with adobe. This temple is abandoned; the closed grounds are used as a landscaping nursery.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Statues, Puyou Temple, Chengde, Hebei

These new statues await placement at Puyou Temple (普佑寺) in Chengde, Hebei (河北, 承德市).

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mahayana Hall, Puning Temple, Chengde, Hebei

The so-called Mahayana Hall (大乘之阁) at Puning Temple (普宁寺), Chengde, Hebei (河北, 承德市), houses a colossal 22-meter-tall statue of Guanyin (观音).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hall, Dafo Temple, Shenyang, Liaoning

Dafo Temple (大佛寺) in Shenyang, Liaoning (辽宁, 沈阳市), was also under heavy reconstruction when I visited. There is pandemonium either side of this view!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Arhats, Ci'en Temple, Shenyang, Liaoning

A fine antique-looking set of arhats (罗汉) graces the Main Hall (大雄宝殿) at Ci'en Temple (慈恩寺), Shenyang, Liaoning (辽宁, 沈阳市).

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hall, Banruo Temple, Shenyang, Liaoning

Worshippers in front of the Main Hall (大雄宝殿) at Banruo Temple (般若寺), Shenyang, Liaoning (辽宁, 沈阳市)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Roof Detail, Guanyin Gucha, Jilin, Jilin

The figures on the ridges of most Chinese temples vary more than these at Guanyin Gucha (观音古刹) in Jilin City, Jilin (吉林, 吉林市).

Friday, December 7, 2012

Guanyin, Banruo Temple, Changchun, Jilin

The Guanyin (观音) standing in the first courtyard at Banruo Temple (般若寺) in Changchun, Jilin (吉林, 长春市), was typical of the temples I visited in northeastern China (东北).

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bell, Dizang Temple, Changchun, Jilin

The small Dizang Temple (地藏寺) in Changchun, Jilin (吉林, 长春市), was under construction when I visited (and there wouldn't have been much to see even if it were complete!) Anyway, this bell hanging in the driveway was attractive.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mountain Gate, Jile Temple, Haerbin, Heilongjiang

The Mountain Gate (山门) at Jile Temple (极乐寺) in Haerbin, Heilongjiang (黑龙江, 哈尔滨市) faces a busy walking street near an amusement park

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Heavenly King, Huayan Temple, Guangzhou, Guangdong

Dhrtarashtra (持国天王), one of the Four Heavenly Kings (天王), in the newly-built Huayan Temple (华严寺) in Guangzhou, Guangdong (广东, 广州市)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sleeping Buddha, Dunhuang Caves Exhibit, Shenzhen, Guangdong

Copy of a statue of the Sleeping Buddha (卧佛) based on one in the Mogao Caves (莫高窟) at Dunhuang (敦煌); in a museum exhibition in Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Roof Brackets, Zhihua Temple, Beijing

Roof brackets inside one of the dilapidated halls (殿) of Zhihua Temple (智化寺) in the alleys (胡同) of Beijing (北京)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Courtyard Gate, Dabei Temple, Tianjin

Gate to the so-called "West Temple," (西院) a separate compound inside Dabei Temple (大悲院) in Tianjin (天津)

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